Advanced Passing

Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds IAY IAY/PA CAY CAY/Cmp CAY/PA YAC YAC/Cmp
14Sam Darnold22QB1313273441302436148.215495.73.514755.4
8Luke Falk25QB3247734163975.41523.22.12645.6
19Trevor Siemian28QB11363416.8-8-2.7-1.3113.7
29Bilal Powell31RB1310101313.000.00
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Bats ThAwy Spikes Drops Drop% BadTh Bad% OnTgt OnTgt%
14Sam Darnold22QB1313273441302410232256.0%7417.8%31375.2%
8Luke Falk25QB32477341632045.6%1115.5%5374.6%
19Trevor Siemian28QB1136301000.0%240.0%360.0%
29Bilal Powell31RB13101000000.0%1100.0%00.0%
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Sk PktTime Bltz Hrry Hits Prss Prss% Scrm Yds/Scr
14Sam Darnold22QB13132734413024332.5166633913528.0%88.0
8Luke Falk25QB324773416162.4331293741.6%0
19Trevor Siemian28QB1136322.6411450.0%0
29Bilal Powell31RB13101004.000000.0%0
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing RPO PlayAction
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Plays Yds PassAtt PassYds RushAtt RushYds PassAtt PassYds
14Sam Darnold22QB1313273441302435241322352692675
8Luke Falk25QB3247734163223220014113
19Trevor Siemian28QB1136321210021
29Bilal Powell31RB1310104150041500

Advanced Rushing

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Receiving

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Defense

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro