Advanced Passing

Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds IAY IAY/PA CAY CAY/Cmp CAY/PA YAC YAC/Cmp
10Mac Jones*23QB1717352521380141618.020275.83.917745.0
5Brian Hoyer36QB50911227978.8849.37.614315.9
16Jakobi Meyers25WR17162245115.5115.55.53417.0
84Kendrick Bourne26WR17511252222.02222.022.033.0
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Bats ThAwy Spikes Drops Drop% BadTh Bad% OnTgt OnTgt%
10Mac Jones*23QB171735252138019121163.1%9017.7%38676.0%
5Brian Hoyer36QB5091122700000.0%00.0%11100.0%
16Jakobi Meyers25WR1716224500000.0%00.0%2100.0%
84Kendrick Bourne26WR175112500000.0%00.0%1100.0%
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Sk PktTime Bltz Hrry Hits Prss Prss% Scrm Yds/Scr
10Mac Jones*23QB17173525213801282.4181294710418.4%157.1
5Brian Hoyer36QB5091122702.240000.0%0
16Jakobi Meyers25WR1716224502.5001150.0%0
84Kendrick Bourne26WR175112501.600000.0%0
Advanced Passing Table
Games Passing RPO PlayAction
No. Player Age Pos G GS Cmp Att Yds Plays Yds PassAtt PassYds RushAtt RushYds PassAtt PassYds
10Mac Jones*23QB17173525213801333243232400104888
5Brian Hoyer36QB5091122725925900228
16Jakobi Meyers25WR1716224511511500115
84Kendrick Bourne26WR175112500000000

Advanced Rushing

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Receiving

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro

Advanced Defense

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro